Core Control Pilates

For details please contact christine[at] Tel: 07833 907 839

The Pilates Reformer

The Reformer is a unique piece of equipment unlike any other you may find in a gym. It consists of a sliding carriage which uses springs & a pulley system to create the resistance used to facilitate hundreds of effective exercises. These are performed in a variety of positions: lying, sitting, kneeling or standing.

It incorporates more of Joseph Pilates’ original exercises, which, like the matwork, involve full body movements, choreographed sequences & a particular emphasis on finding & using the powerhouse.

Benefits of the Reformer:

•Uses resistance of springs to increase strength & flexibility.
•Alignment is easier to maintain as you work within the fixed frame of the Reformer.
•Provides a variable resistance set to the clients ability.
•Muscles are worked in a closed chain more than the matwork allowing easier correction of muscle imbalance & poor biomechanics especially of the legs & spine.
•Core stability is emphasised when stabilising the torso against the pull of the springs.
•No muscle group is over or under trained